PostgreSQL is one of the world’s most advanced databases. You can store anything from product descriptions and reviews to blog posts and full articles. But with that much content, proofreading everything could take days. Instead, you can use Zapier and Perfect Tense to help speed up your proofreading process. Specifically, Perfect Tense will proofread any newly added row and send you notifications in Slack if the content has spelling or grammar errors. This integration works as an editor or as a final grammar safety check before you publish or post any content.
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Google Docs is one of the most widely-used writing platforms largely because it makes collaborating on documents extremely easy. This is great for team efficiency but can make spelling and grammar mistakes easier to miss. While you could go through each document manually to remove errors, you can save time by using a Zapier automation that will correct spelling and grammar mistakes in your posts for you. Specifically, you can use Zapier and Perfect Tense together to have all your Google Drive content automatically proofread and corrected.
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You probably already know that having spelling and grammar mistakes in your content is bad for your bottom line. But here are a few facts: BBC stated that spelling mistakes are costing millions in lost online sales; Disruptive Communications found that spelling and grammar mistakes will do the most damage to a person’s opinion of a company or brand; and Real Business cited that 59% of people “would not use a company that had obvious grammatical or spelling mistakes on its website or marketing material”.

Beyond the business costs, Read More